Aspinall, Edward and Ward Berenschot: Democracy for sale : elections, clientelism, and the state in Indonesia. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 2019

Democracy for Sale is an on-the-ground account of Indonesian democracy, analyzing its election campaigns and behind-the-scenes machinations. Edward Aspinall and Ward Berenschot assess the informal networks and political strategies that shape access to power and privilege in the messy political environment of contemporary Indonesia.

In post-Suharto Indonesian politics the exchange of patronage for political support is commonplace. Clientelism, argue the authors, saturates the political system, and in Democracy for Sale they reveal the everyday practices of vote buying, influence peddling, manipulating government programs, and skimming money from government projects. 

Reybrouck, David van: Revolusi; Indonesiƫ en het ontstaan van de moderne wereld. Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij. 2020

Michel Maas, De Volkskrant: "David Van Reybrouck houdt van oral history, en oral history houdt van hem. In zijn boek over de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsstrijd slaagt hij erin de opmerkelijkste getuigen te laten praten." in Dutch.

Harsono, Andreas: Race, Islam and Power; Ethnic and rel;igious violence in Post-Suharto Indonesia. Clayton, Victoria Australia: Monash University Publishing. 2019

"A political travelogue" (Prof. Clinton Fernandes, University of New South Wales)